
Pastors & Staff

Steve Collins

Lead Pastor

Pastor Steve has been at Restoration Church Muskogee since March 2021. He is an Ordained Minister with the Assemblies of God. Steve has previously worked in many areas of ministry including music and children's ministry. His hobbies include muscle cars, watching drag racing and camping.

Cathy Collins

Co Pastor

Pastor Cathy has been at Restoration  Assembly of God since March 2021. She serves as worship leader, women's leader and technology support. Cathy is an an Ordained Minster with the Assemblies of God. She has served in children's ministry and worship previously. When she is not at church or teaching she enjoys painting, sewing, crafting and gardening.

Cathy Collins

Children's Pastor

Judy Asbil


Judy has faithfully served for several years a our secretary. She has taught classes and served in any area needed.

Our Pastors are involved.

Our Pastors love people. You can find them at every event working.